Brunnhilde HTML report


Input source (directory or disk image): /Volumes/DroboFW/lynne-sachs-donation

Accession/identifier: sachs

Brunnhilde version: brunnhilde 1.9.1

Siegfried version: siegfried 1.9.1 /usr/local/Cellar/siegfried/1.9.1/share/siegfried/default.sig (2020-10-06T19:13:40+02:00) identifiers: - pronom: DROID_SignatureFile_V97.xml; container-signature-20201001.xml

Siegfried command: sf -csv "/Volumes/DroboFW/lynne-sachs-donation" > "/Users/bampfa/Desktop/sachs/siegfried.csv"

Scan started: 2020-12-10 10:08:03.733602

Mediainfo version: MediaInfo Command line, MediaInfoLib - v20.09


Total files: 7120

Total size: 1 TB

Empty (zero byte) files: 1

Years (last modified): 2000 - 2020

Earliest date: 2000-02-29T14:15:15-08:00

Latest date: 2020-10-28T14:24:09-07:00

Identified file formats: 39

Identified Audiovisual formats: 13

Unidentified files: 6 (see list)

Maximum video duration: 01 hours 20 minutes 29 seconds

Minimum video duration: 00 hours 00 minutes 06 seconds

Maximum audio duration: 01 hours 29 minutes 05 seconds

Minimum audio duration: 00 hours 05 minutes 13 seconds

Siegfried errors: 1 (see list)

Virus report

Date scanned: 2020-12-10 10:08:03.726269

File formats

Format ID Count
JPEG File Interchange Format fmt/43 1897
Tagged Image File Format fmt/353 1260
Raw JPEG Stream fmt/41 1063
Portable Network Graphics fmt/13 1006
Acrobat PDF 1.3 - Portable Document Format fmt/17 358
Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed) fmt/645 321
DS_store file (MAC) fmt/394 287
Microsoft Word for Windows fmt/412 282
Canon RAW fmt/592 179
Exchangeable Image File Format (Uncompressed) x-fmt/387 74
Microsoft Word Document fmt/40 62
Quicktime x-fmt/384 60
MPEG-4 Media File fmt/199 55
Acrobat PDF 1.6 - Portable Document Format fmt/20 52
Adobe Photoshop x-fmt/92 50
Acrobat PDF 1.4 - Portable Document Format fmt/18 25
SubRip Subtitle File fmt/1218 13
Acrobat PDF 1.7 - Portable Document Format fmt/276 11
MPEG 1/2 Audio Layer 3 fmt/134 10
Acrobat PDF 1.0 - Portable Document Format fmt/14 8
Broadcast WAVE fmt/704 6
OpenDocument Text fmt/291 4
Microsoft Office Owner File fmt/473 4
Acrobat PDF 1.5 - Portable Document Format fmt/19 4
Rich Text Format fmt/50 3
Plain Text File x-fmt/111 3
Microsoft Excel for Windows fmt/214 2
Extensible Markup Language fmt/101 2
Encapsulated PostScript File Format fmt/124 2
Acrobat PDF/X - Portable Document Format - Exchange 1a:2001 fmt/157 2
ZIP Format x-fmt/263 1
XML Property List fmt/979 1
WebP fmt/567 1
TrueType Font x-fmt/453 1
Sonic Scenarist Closed Caption Format fmt/1274 1
Hypertext Markup Language fmt/96 1
Binary Property List fmt/984 1
Adobe Photoshop Large Document Format fmt/996 1
Acrobat PDF 1.2 - Portable Document Format fmt/16 1

File format versions

Format ID Version Count
JPEG File Interchange Format fmt/43 1.01 1547
Tagged Image File Format fmt/353 1260
Raw JPEG Stream fmt/41 1063
Portable Network Graphics fmt/11 1.0 968
Acrobat PDF 1.3 - Portable Document Format fmt/17 1.3 358
JPEG File Interchange Format fmt/44 1.02 350
DS_store file (MAC) fmt/394 287
Microsoft Word for Windows fmt/412 2007 onwards 282
Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed) x-fmt/391 2.2 267
Canon RAW fmt/592 2.0 179
Exchangeable Image File Format (Uncompressed) x-fmt/387 2.2 74
Microsoft Word Document fmt/40 97-2003 62
Quicktime x-fmt/384 60
MPEG-4 Media File fmt/199 55
Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed) fmt/645 2.2.1 53
Acrobat PDF 1.6 - Portable Document Format fmt/20 1.6 52
Adobe Photoshop x-fmt/92 50
Portable Network Graphics fmt/13 1.2 33
Acrobat PDF 1.4 - Portable Document Format fmt/18 1.4 25
SubRip Subtitle File fmt/1218 13
Acrobat PDF 1.7 - Portable Document Format fmt/276 1.7 11
MPEG 1/2 Audio Layer 3 fmt/134 10
Acrobat PDF 1.0 - Portable Document Format fmt/14 1.0 8
Portable Network Graphics fmt/12 1.1 5
Acrobat PDF 1.5 - Portable Document Format fmt/19 1.5 4
Microsoft Office Owner File fmt/473 4
OpenDocument Text fmt/291 1.2 4
Broadcast WAVE fmt/703 0 PCM Encoding 3
Broadcast WAVE fmt/704 1 PCM Encoding 3
Plain Text File x-fmt/111 3
Rich Text Format fmt/50 1.5-1.6 3
Acrobat PDF/X - Portable Document Format - Exchange 1a:2001 fmt/157 2
Encapsulated PostScript File Format fmt/124 3 2
Extensible Markup Language fmt/101 1.0 2
Microsoft Excel for Windows fmt/214 2007 onwards 2
Acrobat PDF 1.2 - Portable Document Format fmt/16 1.2 1
Adobe Photoshop Large Document Format fmt/996 1
Binary Property List fmt/984 1
Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed) x-fmt/390 2.1 1
Hypertext Markup Language fmt/96 1
Sonic Scenarist Closed Caption Format fmt/1274 1
TrueType Font x-fmt/453 1
WebP fmt/567 Lossless 1
XML Property List fmt/979 1
ZIP Format x-fmt/263 1

Audiovisual file formats

Format Format Profile Codec ID Count
JPEG 2230
Raw 773
LZW 506
PNG 60
PackBits 53
PSD 50
AVC Main avc1 42
DV dvc 21
AVC High avc1 19
ProRes 422 HQ apch 18
ProRes 422 apcn 12
MPEG Audio Layer 3 11
PCM 1 6
AVC Baseline avc1 3
WebP 1

Video framerates

Frame Rate Count
23.976 66
29.970 29
24.000 9
30.000 4
29.882 1
29.854 1
29.828 1
29.801 1
29.757 1
29.734 1
25.000 1

Video aspect ratios

Aspect Ratio Count
16:9 93
4:3 24
3:2 6
28.055 1
16:10 1
0.562 1

Video bitdepths

Aspect Ratio Count
8 bits 96

Audio sampling rate/bit depth

Audio Sampling Rate Audio BitDepth Count
44.1 kHz 7
48.0 kHz 3
48.0 kHz 16 bits 3
48.0 kHz 24 bits 3
8 000 Hz 1

MIME types

MIME type Count
image/jpeg 3281
image/tiff 1334
image/png 1006
application/pdf 461
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document 282
application/msword 62
video/quicktime 60
application/mp4 55
image/vnd.adobe.photoshop 51
audio/mpeg 10
audio/x-wav 6
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text 4
text/plain 3
application/rtf 3
application/xml 2
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet 2
application/postscript 2
text/html 1
font/ttf 1
application/zip 1

Last modified dates by year

Year Last Modified Count
2017 1507
2012 1241
2020 998
2015 942
2018 726
2016 308
2019 256
2010 253
2011 178
2013 117
2004 116
2014 112
2006 93
2008 71
2009 64
2001 46
2005 42
2002 22
2007 15
2003 8
2000 5


File Size Date Modified
/Volumes/DroboFW/lynne-sachs-donation/SACHS FILMS/.DS_Store 104452 2020-10-14T07:03:08-07:00
/Volumes/DroboFW/lynne-sachs-donation/SACHS FILMS/1994 Which Way is East/DOCUMENTS/Which Way is East Spanish Transcript.doc 14290 2007-05-28T21:00:00-07:00
/Volumes/DroboFW/lynne-sachs-donation/SACHS FILMS/2001 Investigation of a Flame/STILLS AND IMAGES/Outpost Digital- PSD FILES/Icon 0 2001-10-04T07:52:36-07:00
/Volumes/DroboFW/lynne-sachs-donation/SACHS FILMS/2006 States of UnBelonging/DOCUMENTS/SOU SPANISH TRANSLATON/SOU SPANISH.TXT copy.doc 25765 2007-06-02T05:23:13-07:00
/Volumes/DroboFW/lynne-sachs-donation/SACHS FILMS/2006 States of UnBelonging/DOCUMENTS/SOU SPANISH TRANSLATON/STATES4.TXT.doc 25765 2018-03-19T08:22:28-07:00
/Volumes/DroboFW/lynne-sachs-donation/SACHS FILMS/2006 States of UnBelonging/DOCUMENTS/SOU SPANISH TRANSLATON/StatesofUnBelongingSPANISHscript.TXT.doc 25765 2007-06-02T05:23:13-07:00


File Size Date Modified Errors Warnings
/Volumes/DroboFW/lynne-sachs-donation/SACHS FILMS/2001 Investigation of a Flame/STILLS AND IMAGES/Outpost Digital- PSD FILES/Icon 0 2001-10-04T07:52:36-07:00 empty source no match